Friday, 13 January 2012

Fable: The Lost Chapters

I bought a couple of games on steam in the xmas sale. One of those was Fable: Lost Chapters, I played Fable on the xbox when it first came out and loved it! It was my first non sims game I ever played. In Fable you play a boy from childhood to adult and from the options you make you can either be good or evil. You start as neutral but in the first "quests" or things you have to do to earn pocket money for your sister's birthday present you have the good and bad options. For example there is a man sneaking around with another woman at the back of a house while his wife is at home, you find them and you can either take his money and not say anything to his wife or be good and don't take the money but go to his wife.

I started a good and an evil account, my evil account is a little further then my good acount as I am enjoying killing guards and viliagers along my way.I also own the bordello that is tucked in one off the forests.

My evil self in underpants and a pimp hat!

This is what my normal gear looks like

Look alike?

This is part of the cut scenes thoughout your game and childhood, each time you advance a level of childhood you see one of these tile walls that represent your life

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